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Antiwordle is a spin-off of the well-known on-line game Wordle, with a special twist. In Antiwordle, instead of attempting to predict the day’s word, your aim is to avoid guessing it by playing by a set of predetermined rules. Antiwordle is meant to be used every day, and its difficulty will challenge you to master the art of loss.
There are a few rules you must follow to play Antiwordle:
Whenever a word card appears in the proper location and turns red, you must use that card in that same location to form the subsequent word;
If the letter changes to yellow, it is necessary to use it in the word, but in a different spot from the previous one;
Letters that are shaded in color may not be used for the upcoming word since they do not exist in the secret word.
The objective of this play is to guess as many incorrectly as you possibly can. Remember that there can be multiple letters in a word, and the hint for each letter is independent. For players who prefer an added challenge, the game offers a challenging mode where it is even tougher to avoid guessing the word by using Antiwordle’s special unique logic.


To be successful at Antiwordle, you need to play with a mentality different from conventional word games. Following are some hints to enhance your Antiwordle skills:
Pick the strongest first try: Ideally, your first guesses contain 2-3 vowels and you should also steer clear of some of the most frequently encountered types of vowels, such as L and T. It can be helpful to start with something like “Peter”, as it satisfies these conditions;
Gather as much evidence as you can: the more hints you gather, the more likely you are to win the game strategically in your last tries;
Use external tools. When you get stumped, try creating a clue cloud or an anti-wordle to generate ideas for new words. You can even find a day’s antiwords if you are truly lost;
Reduce the number of times you use vowels: Vowels are one of the most commonly used letters in English words. The less often you use vowels, the less likely you are to come up with a secret password.

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