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Are you a fan of movies, but can you tell a film by its stills? Are you up to the next challenge? Well, what are you still doing? Moviedle is the game to play.

About the game

After Wordle, this game became a favorite trivia contest. It follows the same rules, but gives it a decidedly movie-like twist. So instead of attempting to guess a movie name, you’re attempting to identify a film name. Seems pretty simple, don’t you think? There is one small thing to remember.
The game begins with a one second segment of the whole video, from which you have to choose the movie’s theme. Each wrong or mistaken answer reveals a shorter and more detailed section of the video.
How to play
This is a free-play casino game, so there’s no software to be installed or downloaded. Just locate it on our site and press the middle screen button to begin playing.
It will display a one-second clip of the game after a three-second counter. Hit the jump key and you’ll get another second, and so on. You will have six attempts to correctly predict the video.
If you’re successful, buttons will let you stream the movie on Netflix or look it up on IMDB if interested. Plus, you can even post it to share on Social Media to increase your boasting opportunities!


View the grainy movie posters, either try to recognize the film’s title or skip if you can’t.
Otherwise, you will see a long, slow video of it.
Moviedle will start off with a small number of clips from the film squeezed into a second; the clips will get longer with each clue, making the clip slower and the movie harder to identify.
Note that you won’t need to take a stab at it each time, just skip the clue until you think you have the correct answer. Also, you can’t back up the clip, so be cautious.

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