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Foodle is a word game in which you get 6 chances to solve English food words. Do you have a good knowledge of food-related vocabulary? Would you like to test oneself in this word recognition game?
In Foodle, players must find 5 letter worlds that correspond to a 5×6 board. With 6 tries and colour matches, users must apply their reasoning skills to resolve these crossword puzzles. Green represents the answer, while amber shows a letter is present in the solution but in an incorrect place, and the grey represents the position of the letter in the solution. Are you good at thinking and solving puzzles? Challenge and improve your English skills by playing now!

How to play

Foodle’s play is simple, and easy enough for beginners. To begin the game participants try to identify the name of the ingredient six different times. Every single answer should be a correct five-letter food item of the player’s own choice. Additionally, the game will automatically offer a second guess. You may also choose to do this again if a player guesses a five-letter food term that does not appear on the current word choices in the play list. After this, the players will have six daily attempts to enter the proper term from Foodle. A new solution will be added to the riddle every 24 hours.

Limit the time

Each day, create as many clue cards as possible to reveal a new word. Each clue has to be the answer to the right word. The user needs to be aware of the time left for the following clue while playing Foodle. To complete the game in time, students must be familiar with the word and be capable of matching and connecting the words.
Foodle is a relatively straightforward game that everyone can play. It has attracted thousands of users within a few days of its launch. The special thing about Foodle is that there are lots of different and creative ways to combine words, but they have to correspond to the topic and the keywords of the games. These word matches vary according to the player’s perception.

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